Five Tips To Help You Stick With Your New Year’s Fitness Resolutions

Five Tips To Help You Stick With Your New Year’s Fitness Resolutions

Author: GihwvzthxMV FITNESS | | Categories: Certified Trainer , Exercise Specialist , Fitness Trainers , Injury Rehab Specialists , Kinesiology , Nutrition , Personal Training Company , Registered Holistic Nutritionist , Top Personal Trainers

Personal Training Company Kanata ON

Getting fit is the number one item on most New Year’s resolution lists, but as the year progresses, it’s soon forgotten. If you’re looking for ways to prevent your fitness regime from losing steam post-January, you must stop following the same old routine that’s comfortable and lets you cop-out whenever a challenge arises.

To help you test yourself sufficiently and stick by your fitness goals, Fleming Fitness has put together a list of five tips to help you stick by your New Year’s fitness resolutions. Keep reading to know what they are.

Tip #1: Set SMART goals
By SMART goals, we mean - Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Timely goals. When you set a fitness goal, you should be able to measure your progress and ensure you have a deadline to avoid postponing your goals.

Tip #2: Find a workout partner
Having someone accompany you on your fitness journey not only helps with adherence but keeps you accountable and motivated to challenge your strength. At the same time, it’s fun to exercise with a friend or colleague.

Tip #3: Look for hacks to eat better
Find ways and solutions to help with better eating habits, like drinking water before each meal, or using smaller serving plates, so you eat less. You can also start the day with a healthy breakfast. And, once that becomes a habit, up the ante by having a healthy lunch, when that becomes a habit, have a healthy dinner.

Tip #4: Avoid getting discouraged
Understand that fitness is a way of life, and there will be setbacks during your journey. Irrespective of what they may be, don’t give up because the real results are yet to come.

Tip #5: Hire a professional
For intense workouts that assure results, hire a professional like a Kinesiologist from Fleming Fitness. We guide you through different exercises to help you get the best out of them to improve your posture and build strength and confidence.

If you’d like more fitness tips and hacks for the new year, reach out to Fleming Fitness. We are certified personal trainers in Kanata, ON, and we aim to provide guidance, direction, and expertise about proper nutrition and exercise to our clients, so they live long, healthy, and prosperous lives. We cater to a variety of clients, irrespective of their age or physical capacity. We also help our clients learn to use exercise to manage anxiety and depression.

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