Is Kinesiology Tape Something You Should Be Using?

Is Kinesiology Tape Something You Should Be Using?

Author: GihwvzthxMV FITNESS | | Categories: Certified Trainer , Exercise Specialist , Fitness Trainers , Injury Rehab Specialists , Kinesiology , Nutrition , Personal Training Company , Registered Holistic Nutritionist , Top Personal Trainers

Have you seen people with colourful tape across their shoulders, calves or knees? What you saw was most likely Kinesiology therapeutic tape, or “KT-tape”. Kinesiology tape can be used for musculoskeletal support, sports injuries, and other inflammatory conditions. Its unique elastic-like material was created as a solution to the former commonly used methods of rigid sports tape, allowing for athletes to gain support and stability without restricting range of motion during activity. KT-tape is made with lightweight, breathable fabric that feels comfortable and can be worn for days at a time.

What is KT-tape used for?

Whether you are a competitive athlete, a recreational exerciser, or anywhere in between, if you feel pain that is stopping you from doing physical activity KT-tape may be a solution to provide pain relief and muscle comfort to perform at your best. KT-tape can be used for any of the following injuries:

  • Muscle strains
  • Ligament sprains
  • Tendonitis
  • Plantar fasciitis
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Joint instability and hypermobility

How does KT-tape work?

When properly applied, the elasticity of KT-tape gently lifts the skin from the tissues just below. This lifting action provides space which improves blood flow and circulation, to help relieve pressure and reduce swelling. KT-tape can also prevent overstretching of muscles to aid in muscle recovery, and can distribute muscle load away from inflamed or injured soft tissue areas.

Why use KT-tape?

The goal of KT-tape is to help your muscles get back to feeling their best. With the use of the single “I” strips, or modifying the tape strips into specialized shapes such as “X”, “Y” or other shapes, altering the placement, and applying different amounts of stretch to the tape during application, KT-tape can be used in hundreds of different ways to support muscles, tendons, and ligaments while on the path to recovery.

Want to learn more about KT-tape? Our Kinesiologists can show you how to apply KT-tape and let you know if it’s right solution for your injury. Contact us and we can answer any questions you might have.