The Demand For Kinesiologist Is Rising.

The Demand For Kinesiologist Is Rising.

Author: GihwvzthxMV FITNESS | | Categories: Certified Trainer , Exercise Specialist , Fitness Trainers , Injury Rehab Specialists , Kinesiology , Nutrition , Personal Training Company , Registered Holistic Nutritionist , Top Personal Trainers

The Baby Boomers are an inspiring generation of hard-working men and women. But as “The Greatest Generation” transition into their senior years, the demand for kinesiologists is increasing rapidly. Known for their discipline and intense work ethic, baby boomers predominantly worked in labour-intensive jobs growing up without the options and opportunities of work in technological fields. Baby boomers also turned to youthful, active extra-curricular activities rather than the small hand-held electronics kids spend most of their time on today. All this wear and tear from physical activity has resulted in a large portion of this generation in need of physical rehabilitation.

What does a Kinesiologist do?

Kinesiologists are experts in how the human body moves. That may sound simple, but it involves many years of education and training to gain the knowledge required to actively help a wide variety of clients with all sorts of injuries and physical impairments. A kinesiologist is able to help clients that are in need of simple short-term treatments, and people recovering from serious trauma and physical disability. Whether it is to increase strength, correct muscle imbalances, manage pain, restore joint range of motion, or simply increase muscle productivity to help you get back to work, sports, and overall good health faster, a kinesiologist can help.

Rehabilitation from a serious injury with a kinesiologist is also beneficial as the reliance on pain medication often decreases for the patient as they improve their level of functioning and correct their muscular imbalances.

Injury prevention in elderly

As we get older, our muscular and skeletal mass decrease, our muscle fibers take longer to repair and recover, and we quickly lose balance and mobility. Because of this, elderly people often experience injuries more often, and need kinesiologists and other medical professionals to aid in their recovery. A kinesiologist can screen the body for muscular imbalances and weaknesses, and provide you with exercises aimed at not only improving the function and mobility of your joints and muscles, but also to increase strength in those areas to avoid future injury and pain.

Our team of Kinesiologists can create a customized rehab plan for your injury. Contact us to learn more about our services and how we can help you!